Southern Illinois University

HR Compliance Toolkit

Course Name

HR Compliance Toolkit

Contact Hours: 24 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

We know from experience that learners are turned off by boring videos, irrelevant interactions, and memorizing laws. Our training starts with the laws, but goes beyond by teaching people how to behave toward others, and teaching how they can expect to be treated in return.

The program contains 7 self-directed course modules:

  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Employees
  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Managers
  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for California/Connecticut Managers
  • Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (FCPA)
  • Code of Conduct Essentials
  • The Legal Aspects of Interviewing
  • Data Privacy and Information Security
  • Bloodborne Pathogens

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, the HR Compliance Toolkit will show you how to behave toward others, and teaching how they can expect to be treated in return.


Research shows that 70% of development happens on the job, and this is the only off the shelf e-learning courseware provider that helps the learner apply learning on the job through step by step instructions and exercises. The combination of short videos followed by step by step instructions, help learners put into practice the learning they just completed, which means organization leaders are confident that the transition from learning to application on the job actually happens, and organization capabilities are increased.

The LMS uses Microlearning:
Some call it granular, others call it chunked, they mean the same thing—learners want short learning courses. Study after study shows that taking in information in small bite sized chunks leads to increased learner retention. The learning market has been recognizing this trend with shorter and shorter learning courses, including shortening e-learning courses from 4 hours to 1 hour to 30 minutes. Our learning content takes this trend to the next step to meet the demands of learners.


Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Employees
This course covers the core Federal discrimination and harassment laws enforced for the EEOC. This course includes your company policy and an acknowledgement form where learners affirmatively agree they understand the law, your policy and agree to be bound by it.

Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for Managers
This version builds on the employee version by adding training that managers uniquely need to know. Experience shows that many claims of discrimination and harassment stem from well-meaning but ill-informed managers that don’t respond appropriately to events they either observe directly or that are brought to them by a team member.

Preventing Discrimination and Harassment for California/Connecticut Managers
California and Connecticut uniquely require two hours of manager training. This course picks up where the standard manager course ends and includes interviews with our roving reporter, as well as enrichment episodes on AntiBullying, Diversity, Domestic Abuse & more.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (FCPA)
Learn what is required to become compliant with the anti-bribery and anticorruption laws (FCPA).

Code of Conduct Essentials
Learn the core concepts of business ethics, appropriate code of conduct, and behavior standards and expectations in the workplace.

The Legal Aspects of Interviewing
Understand what you need to know from a legal perspective when interviewing candidates.

Data Privacy and Information Security
Receive training on a range of data privacy, information security, and asset protection concepts.

Understand the standards required to protect and maintain medical records and other personal health information.

Bloodborne Pathogens
While not medical training, this course is designed to educate individuals who may accidentally be exposed to bloodborne pathogens.


All training is delivered online; no additional purchase required.